From: Maura Kelly (
To: Rita Pressley (
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2008 06:38:29 am EDT
Subject: Re: Where are you???
I am fine, I am here, made it back. My phone battery died, it was low when I left mom's and I didn't have the home charger, so on the trip back it was low and finally ran down all the way but I ALSO didn't have the CAR charger, then when I got home could not find my HOME charger, just the car charger. Didn't want to plug the phone into my dash and maybe draw on the battery, so I held out and kept looking and finally found the home charger yesterday, it was in the film pack I take along with the hassleblad. Why THERE I have no idea. Probably I thought I was going to take that camera to PA with me and then changed my mind.
Anyway I had no phone yesterday and all last night, so this morning when I got up there were I think 15 messages. "Where are you, where are you, where are you, are you ok, are you all right, call me, call us" It's nice to know everyone cares and just amazing how when you're just incommunicado for just a day and a half, people get panicked.
I was going to call you from the resto last nite just to let you know I was ok, I called mom anyway, she was worried.
So I just texted you back: I'M FINE. CHECK EMAIL

I know we'll talk but I feel like writing about it so here goes. Thursday night we went out (Mom and Martydad and Maggie and me) to this restaurant up by 322, a nice place, great steaks and cozy atmosphere, but (part #1 of phone message you heard) the place where a couple winters ago when I was home on break and upset about Luke, I met that guy at the bar and got plowed on boilermakers and we went out to the parking lot and fucked in the bed of his pickup. Amazingly stupid awful drunken night that thank god led to no regrets, except for permanent pit marks on my back shoulders and ass from gravel

NOT the kind of night that you want to remember. So of course we go into this resto and who is sitting at the end of the bar but Mr. Truckfuck. (Be right back, coffee is ice cold) (back, coffee is hot

) And as soon as we came in he saw ME and I could tell I looked familiar to him (intimately) and he kept looking over and I kept trying to become invisible, and of course thank god I am with mom and Martydad and Maggie, who are oblivious, so the chances of this guy coming up and saying "Hi, remember me???" are a LITTLE slim. Still I felt really weird and mom could tell, she said "What's wrong sweetie? Did you just spit up in your mouth?" lol I guess I had that look. And I said "I'll tell you then."
Well FORTUNATELY there was no wait for our table, so the hostess seats us and now comes part two. I look across the room and seated at a corner table with his wife and TWO KIDS is Coach Fry, the motherfucker who took the pool pics and diddled me on the bus back from districts in ninth grade. WITH WIFE AND KIDS. Fine upstanding citizen eh motherfucker??? Well as soon as I saw him I think actually I DID spit up in my mouth, could feel the blood rushing from my face and thank God mom was there, she said "I think we girls need to go powder our noses" (Maggie said "I can go powder MY nose too!") and we retreated to the safety of the bathroom (just me and mom, no Maggie) and when we got in there, I just felt like I could BREATHE and she gave me a big hug and said "What?" And I told her IN VERY VAGUE TERMS about Truckfuck, not saying "Well, mom, that guy at the bar and I did it in the back of his truck, blah blah blah" VERY VAGUE. And she said "Oh. I THOUGHT you maybe saw someone you recognized. So did you also see your old swim coach there?" And I said "You too?" And she said "Let's buy a kotex and go cram it down his throat

You think his wife will hold him down?" She is so funny.
But I swear to god that she KNOWS something happened with me and him but she has NEVER asked and I came SO CLOSE to telling but really it would have been the wrong time, on a night out. She actually MAY have gone and tried to murder him had I told her. Anyway she said "As soon as we came in I saw him, I made sure the two of us had our backs to him so unless he looks over he won't see us. Are you ok?" And she hugged me again and I was crying a little, she wiped my cheek and then took out her compact and said "I didn't actually MEAN we were going to powder our noses" and she fixed my makeup.
I love her so much, so happy she was there when I saw him.
So it was just one of those nights when it didn't rain but it poured. And I did NOT want to go back out, was ready actually to crawl out the bathroom window but mom said "I'm here sweetie, don't worry" and we went back out, I didn't look over at him, but what I did was I picked up Maggie and took her back so I could powder HER nose, which she loved, then came back out, took my seat and within five minutes they were out the door, pretty sure he didn't see us and if he DID certainly did not approach us.
The motherfucker. I always wonder who else he did that to, he still coaches so I guess the question really is who else he is still DOING it to. With a girl high school aged and a boy probably in college.
What is WRONG with people?
What was wrong with ME for letting him? And then taking the pictures and posting them on the internet? You know though when I talked to the counselor at WVU she said about me posting the pictures that it sounded to her like I just was taking back control of them from him.
Problem with digital pics though is that he has copies. Boy would I love to see someone go through THAT hard drive.
FUnny how sick and raped and awful I felt when I saw him, but sitting there with mom reaching over and holding my hand I felt protected in a way I DEFINITELY didn't back then, and driving home thinking about it I was ANGRY, but then thought "You know, if he did that to me then, he might still be doing that to girls right now, and if so someone's gotta stop him." I don't know how you would go about it but I still have the pics and when I look at the properties of the ORIGINAL photo files, it's right there, the dates they were taken, which when you figure out my age, there it was, I was 15 when the shots at the pool were taken.
Felt so ballsy and daring and FUN and naughty when I was doing it, how did I know??
ANyway... that was what I was telling you on the choppy phone message. That I saw BOTH of them and it almost ruined the evening but didn't, mom was great, I love her, I feel like she knows more than she lets on but I don't feel like I need to tell her, but if I did it'd be all right. And at the point I called you I had kind of gotten out the anger and tears in the car and just needed to TELL someone.
And now my coffee's cold AGAIN.
And now I nuked it AGAIN along with a tollhouse (choco chip) muffin, except some of the chips stuck to the paper! THAT'S not fair!!!
So amazingly now it is 6:30, I have been sitting here typing for an hour and didn't tell you about Todd but need to save SOMETHING for our call.
Also the porn star he knows (not sure how well!) which I SWEAR I will tell you on the phone.
But this stuff I typed about was more important.
I love you Rita and was so glad I saw you and Danny. Wish I'd seen Tony too. Love all three of you and miss you and have to come down to Baltimore and JUST see you independent of a "family visit."
Talk later this morning, phone's working fine so dial and text away

xoxoxoxoxoxo love you maura k