Re2: She's Here
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From: Christine Kelly-Morone (
To: Margo Pressley (
Subject: Re: She's here
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 05:41:49 -0700 (PDT)
Well, she is on the road now and back to vermont. She kept saying last night how she wanted to get up and leave when I went swimming, sure enough this morning she was up before I was (4:30) getting all her stuff together and out in the car. Went into Maggie's room and gave her a hug, told her goodbye and then came out with me to the driveway and said "You know, I was going to just hit the road but I think I want to go to the pool with you." So she rode to the Y with me, we did our laps, showered up, stopped for coffee and a danish on the way back, and she hit the road from there at around 6:45.
Says she should be back in plenty of time to take a nap before work (4 pm she has to be in).
We went to Eutaw House, up by the junction with 322, great evening except for two moments when Maura looked like she had seen a ghost. The first was when we came in, there was a guy seated at the bar who kept checking her out. "I'll tell you later mom" and when we went back to the bathroom she said "A couple years ago when I was at WVU I came home for break and that guy and I sat at the bar and he kept buying me boilermakers and well...." She didn't get too deep into it but having been a confused 20 something who frequented bars once myself, I could only guess what "and well" meant and I didn't press the issue. She didn't want to tell me more and so I didn't ask.
THen when the hostess seated us, the next ghost I KNEW why it bothered her, for the same reason it bothered me. Coach Fry, her old swim coach from when we lived up here, the skeeveball who I swear if I didn't know better was fooling around with Maura at age 14,15. The one who I moved us to Gettysburg to get away from (little realizing that I would soon meet Marty and move right BACK, except this time it was to Pleasant Gap and not in the same school district as before, and as mom would say thank God for my wisdom, lol). Sitting at a table with a wife and a son and a daughter both high school age. He did NOT see us I'm pretty sure and fortunately our backs were to him so not much chance of him spotting us. But I could tell Maura remembered him and was as skeeved as I was about seeing him. I just always wondered if "something inappropriate happened" (I guess the phrase "I swear if I didn't know better he was fooling around with Maura" is more than WONDERING, huh?) and really the feeling I got from Maura, like she'd just stepped in (or rolled in) something when she saw him (like I said, looked like she was about to get sick) kind of confirmed that, but as with the guy at the bar, I didn't press the issue. Just gave her a hug in the bathroom then held her hand at the table and I could tell that made her feel a little better.
It's hard to remember and sometimes I need to consciously remind myself that yeah, Maura is this great striking self-assured smart young woman who stands on her own feet so well, had it kind of hard (or at least upsetting) growing up and came through it and is "on the other side" in so many ways and has found happiness in her life, but that she has things in her past that she did, people she knew, probably a lot of relationships and flings, that she kept from me and that still probably trouble her.
Just would love to know what happened with her and that fucking skeeveball asshole prick son of a bitch Fry. I am CERTAIN he made advances at my daughter, used his authority to at least TRY to take advantage of her. How far he may have gotten is something only Maura knows. But back then if I had felt like it was something harmless that she knew how to get herself away from herself, I wouldn't have packed the van up and moved down there. As you know. Tom Stewart was the biggest part of that equation, but Fry was the other element so to speak.
At least she kicked his team's ass in the meets she swam against them in high school. Always swam her best races/times against that pricks teams. Not that it was his GIRLS' fault he was a pig.
And seeing him sitting there with a WIFE and two kids. Well maybe he reformed. That was over ten years ago, maybe therapy works. But if those kids are that age now, then back then they were around Becca's age.
Skeeveball. I know something happened, want to know what, but again if Maura doesn't want to say, I'm not going to press her. Unless you think I should, counselor. I know I know: you would say "Make it safe for her to open up and she will but don't press her." Which was why I just hugged her, held her hand at the table, let her know I was there.
Anyway we survived that, they were on their way out and when Maura saw that she lightened up. Shared a nice bottle of zin and that made us feel giddy, Maggie was laughing at us laughing (incredibly well behaved given the wait for our food, she always seems to be on her best behavior when sissy's home). Great steaks too, all in all a nice evening that overcame the shitty start and ended up a lot of fun.
Then when we got back home Maggie and Maura watched an episode of Mr. Bean off dvd and then Maura got her sister ready for bed, read her a couple stories and then lights out. And like I said, got up first thing this AM and went into Maggie's room and kissed her, told her she was leaving and Maggie rolled over and gave her a hug and said "Noooooooo." Then went back to sleep.
Maura said "She can come live with me mom, I don't mind." I like that she feels that way.
Maybe this summer, lol.
Now I can hear moving around up above so Maggie is up. I'm going to go nuke my coffee (I poured a fresh cup right when I came online and now it's cold) and go throw some darts at my coach Fry dartboard. The fucker, I'm just glad he didn't see us. Or worse APPROACH us. Yuck.
I like that face but find I must use it sparingly, lol, that way it retains its power.
OK. As I said 20 times on the phone yesterday, I'm glad we came down and met you, thank you for hosting dinner (the restaurant would have been fine but coming out to your house was even better), it was great seeing Rita, nice to have Brian grab my ass for old time's sake, lol, etc etc etc.
And one more thing before I forget: "what the 7734 is the dump?" lol. Did Maura even know what you meant? Do calculators even DO that anymore? I just tried mine, it does. I think that was one of the first things I learned to DO on a calculator, lol.
Anyway, later gator!!! xoxoxoxoxoxo love you christy
From: Christine Kelly-Morone (
To: Margo Pressley (
Subject: Re: She's here
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 05:41:49 -0700 (PDT)
Well, she is on the road now and back to vermont. She kept saying last night how she wanted to get up and leave when I went swimming, sure enough this morning she was up before I was (4:30) getting all her stuff together and out in the car. Went into Maggie's room and gave her a hug, told her goodbye and then came out with me to the driveway and said "You know, I was going to just hit the road but I think I want to go to the pool with you." So she rode to the Y with me, we did our laps, showered up, stopped for coffee and a danish on the way back, and she hit the road from there at around 6:45.
Says she should be back in plenty of time to take a nap before work (4 pm she has to be in).
We went to Eutaw House, up by the junction with 322, great evening except for two moments when Maura looked like she had seen a ghost. The first was when we came in, there was a guy seated at the bar who kept checking her out. "I'll tell you later mom" and when we went back to the bathroom she said "A couple years ago when I was at WVU I came home for break and that guy and I sat at the bar and he kept buying me boilermakers and well...." She didn't get too deep into it but having been a confused 20 something who frequented bars once myself, I could only guess what "and well" meant and I didn't press the issue. She didn't want to tell me more and so I didn't ask.
THen when the hostess seated us, the next ghost I KNEW why it bothered her, for the same reason it bothered me. Coach Fry, her old swim coach from when we lived up here, the skeeveball who I swear if I didn't know better was fooling around with Maura at age 14,15. The one who I moved us to Gettysburg to get away from (little realizing that I would soon meet Marty and move right BACK, except this time it was to Pleasant Gap and not in the same school district as before, and as mom would say thank God for my wisdom, lol). Sitting at a table with a wife and a son and a daughter both high school age. He did NOT see us I'm pretty sure and fortunately our backs were to him so not much chance of him spotting us. But I could tell Maura remembered him and was as skeeved as I was about seeing him. I just always wondered if "something inappropriate happened" (I guess the phrase "I swear if I didn't know better he was fooling around with Maura" is more than WONDERING, huh?) and really the feeling I got from Maura, like she'd just stepped in (or rolled in) something when she saw him (like I said, looked like she was about to get sick) kind of confirmed that, but as with the guy at the bar, I didn't press the issue. Just gave her a hug in the bathroom then held her hand at the table and I could tell that made her feel a little better.
It's hard to remember and sometimes I need to consciously remind myself that yeah, Maura is this great striking self-assured smart young woman who stands on her own feet so well, had it kind of hard (or at least upsetting) growing up and came through it and is "on the other side" in so many ways and has found happiness in her life, but that she has things in her past that she did, people she knew, probably a lot of relationships and flings, that she kept from me and that still probably trouble her.
Just would love to know what happened with her and that fucking skeeveball asshole prick son of a bitch Fry. I am CERTAIN he made advances at my daughter, used his authority to at least TRY to take advantage of her. How far he may have gotten is something only Maura knows. But back then if I had felt like it was something harmless that she knew how to get herself away from herself, I wouldn't have packed the van up and moved down there. As you know. Tom Stewart was the biggest part of that equation, but Fry was the other element so to speak.
At least she kicked his team's ass in the meets she swam against them in high school. Always swam her best races/times against that pricks teams. Not that it was his GIRLS' fault he was a pig.
And seeing him sitting there with a WIFE and two kids. Well maybe he reformed. That was over ten years ago, maybe therapy works. But if those kids are that age now, then back then they were around Becca's age.
Skeeveball. I know something happened, want to know what, but again if Maura doesn't want to say, I'm not going to press her. Unless you think I should, counselor. I know I know: you would say "Make it safe for her to open up and she will but don't press her." Which was why I just hugged her, held her hand at the table, let her know I was there.
Anyway we survived that, they were on their way out and when Maura saw that she lightened up. Shared a nice bottle of zin and that made us feel giddy, Maggie was laughing at us laughing (incredibly well behaved given the wait for our food, she always seems to be on her best behavior when sissy's home). Great steaks too, all in all a nice evening that overcame the shitty start and ended up a lot of fun.
Then when we got back home Maggie and Maura watched an episode of Mr. Bean off dvd and then Maura got her sister ready for bed, read her a couple stories and then lights out. And like I said, got up first thing this AM and went into Maggie's room and kissed her, told her she was leaving and Maggie rolled over and gave her a hug and said "Noooooooo." Then went back to sleep.
Maura said "She can come live with me mom, I don't mind." I like that she feels that way.
Maybe this summer, lol.
Now I can hear moving around up above so Maggie is up. I'm going to go nuke my coffee (I poured a fresh cup right when I came online and now it's cold) and go throw some darts at my coach Fry dartboard. The fucker, I'm just glad he didn't see us. Or worse APPROACH us. Yuck.

I like that face but find I must use it sparingly, lol, that way it retains its power.
OK. As I said 20 times on the phone yesterday, I'm glad we came down and met you, thank you for hosting dinner (the restaurant would have been fine but coming out to your house was even better), it was great seeing Rita, nice to have Brian grab my ass for old time's sake, lol, etc etc etc.
And one more thing before I forget: "what the 7734 is the dump?" lol. Did Maura even know what you meant? Do calculators even DO that anymore? I just tried mine, it does. I think that was one of the first things I learned to DO on a calculator, lol.
Anyway, later gator!!! xoxoxoxoxoxo love you christy
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