
This site is a continuation of my online novel-in-email, xo bri xoxo me xoxoxo love you christy. Call it a soap opera in email.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Did you hear that?

From: ledoux67@aol.com
To: christyswims@yahoo.com
Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2008 11:55 am
Subject: Did you hear that??

Or feel a gust of wind from the southeast around the time of that fourth quarter holding call last night?? lmaaao

SO in answer to your question "How was it watching the game at Brian's parents" here's what happened: we go over to Dan and Laura's to watch the Penn State game, and as it progresses and Brian has had a few Circus Boys, he starts to nod off, and of course me, as the designated driver, I am sober and awake and alert, but except for watching-listening for the band to see if I can spot Marty, I am not really paying attention... Laura meanwhile is in her little study, doing whatever SHE does while Dan and company watch the game... but Dan is nodding off too... I looked over a few times in the fourth quarter and his chin was getting heavy... kind of bobbing, you know? But there with the TV sound turned down and Jack Ham doing the play by play through the static on the rahdio.

Anyway... with about two minutes to go, fourth quarter, I am quietly looking at that Washington Post weekly and Brian's asleep and Dan LOOKS like he's asleep, and as I look up from the paper, on the tube, I see the ref tossing a flag, and just as it happens, Brian's dad, I swear to GOd, SNAPS UP to attention and sits STRAIGHT UP and screams "WHAT IN THE HELL YA CALLIN' HOLDING SO LATE IN THE GAME FOR?? JEE-zus CHRIIIIST!!!" lmaaaao

Jesus Christ is right... scared the SHIT out of me... woke Brian up... "Wha? Huh?"

And then of course the capper was: from the other room, Laura thinks he's calling to HER: "What, Dan?" LMAAAAAO!!!

So then Dan gets all agitee... he looks at me and goes "For cryin' out LOUD, Margo, she ALWAYS does that." and then YELLS back at Laura "I'm NOT TALKIN' TO YOU!!! Jeezus..." lmaaaaao

In other words, watching the Penn State game at Brian's parents' was the same as ever.

Didn't spot you or Kathy or your mom on the tube... and how did Maggie handle having the sitter?

And what do you MEAN they tore down the old hospital in Carlisle??? That's where Tony was born!! Did they put up a plaque??? lmaao

FUnny... a few Fridays ago when we went up to the H.A. Milton for hotchis, as we were leaving town I was thinking "We never drive by the old hospital... we ought to go by and check it out." Guess there wouldn't have been anything there to SEE, huh?

Anyway... kind of a chill day. We will be watching the last Orioles game of the season this afternoon... Becca wants to go to the lake. Nope. Nope. And nope. Aside from the homework, all the rain this past week has probably pushed the water temperature down to about 47 degrees... so, again, nope.

Brian says HI and when are you gonna call him? Careful how you answer that, lmaaao.

Chat later woman! xoxoxoxoxo me!!


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