This site is a continuation of my online novel-in-email, xo bri xoxo me xoxoxo love you christy. Call it a soap opera in email.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Re3: Fwd Batch: 074/05/ZY369
To: Margo Pressley (ledoux67@aol.com)
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2008 8:13:03 PM EST
Subject: Re: Batch: 074/05/ZY369
Re7: Reply
From: ledoux67@aol.com
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2008 8:12:53 pm EST
Subject: Re: Reply
Go get him, woman!!! xoxoxoxo me!!
Re6: Reply
To: Margo Pressley (ledoux67@aol.com)
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2008 8:11:24 PM EST
Subject: Re: Reply
You are TOO FUNNY and now Marty's asking me what I'm laughing at.
BTW if I grab his pecker thru his pants then I'M the one who has to clean his underwear, lol, so forget it. Doing the sheets is bad enough.
I'll be back.................

Re2: Fwd Batch: 074/05/ZY369
From: ledoux67@aol.com
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2008 8:08:48 PM EST
Subject: Re: Batch: 074/05/ZY369
NO OUTFITS!!! Just go over and sit next to him... grab his pecker, Christy, I'm tellin' ya, lmaaao. xoxoxoxo me!!
Re: Fwd Batch: 074/05/ZY369
To: Margo Pressley (ledoux67@aol.com)
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2008 8:06:01 PM EST
Subject: Re: Fwd: Batch: 074/05/ZY369
OK, just read this long one from the other day, funny, but you're right and this is exactly what is happening right now, he's watching MASH, it's tivo so he could watch it any time, I'm here sitting on the computer, I'm thinking "I'm not going to make the first move, why doesn't HE make the first move?" and maybe he's thinking the same thing, I don't know. We're married, we don't talk, lol.
So maybe I should log off and go try to initiate something instead of sitting here wondering why he doesn't.
Just worried about Maggie.
You're right about all this though.
Maybe I'll go up and put on my outfit... xoxxo love you christy
Re5: Reply
From: ledoux67@aol.com
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2008 8:03:58 PM EST
Subject: Re: Reply
THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT IN MY REPLY THAT YOU HAVEN'T READ YET, lmaao. That you're both so PASSIVE and waiting for EACH OTHER to make the first move, lead the way. Someone's got to lead Christy. BE A LEADER, CHRISTY!!!! lmaaaao.
EVERYONE wants someone to come up to them and make the first move. But sometimes you have to be the one. Just take it slow. Don't even say anything... just sit down next to him and grab his pecker through his pants, lmaaao.
Seriously, this IS a nice little moment and sometimes the BEST moments are the ones that you're not planning. I kept wanting to say but another factor in your Friday night is, the whole "we're going out on a date" thing and getting the sitter, looking forward to together time without Maggie Kay, etc etc, on the one hand it's romantic but on the other it's PRESSURE. Maybe you two need something spontaneous.
I'm hitting SEND and then in a few minutes I'm going to call and see if you're on the prowl yet, lmaaao. She's in bed. Take advantage of the moment. After all, you know once he gets going, it's only going to last a moment anyway, lmaaaao. xoxoxoxoxo me!!!
Re4: Reply
To: Margo Pressley (ledoux67@aol.com)
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2008 7:55:04 PM EST
Subject: Re: Reply
In answer to your question, I don't know, I guess it's a good window of opportunity isn't it? I just don't feel very amorous. Plus when I know she's coming down with something I feel like it's just a matter of time before I'll be back on duty, I feel like I'm on call now.
Plus my outfit is in the wash, lol.
Plus I don't know, I want HIM to come on to ME, warm ME up, not for us to plan to do it or anything. I feel like I want him to come over and touch me nice, kiss me, get cuddly, give me ideas.
Probably I'd slug him if he tried, lol.
So give me a chance to reply to your other email, I still haven't read it. Or write back really quick. xoxoxoxo love you christy
p.s. I'm doing what you said you do too, switching letters around because I'm typing too fast, typed "lvoe you" first.
Re3: Reply
From: ledoux67@aol.com
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2008 19:50:53 -0500
Subject: Re: Reply
Yes, read my reply and then reply, lmaaao.
Christy, a question...ikcing up (also PICKING up, lmaaao) on something you said: Maggie Kay's in bed. She's coming down with something so she's probably out for a couple hours anyway. Right? So why AREN'T you two, you know, taking advantage instead of watching Klinger rip up Charles' silk shirts???
I REMEMBER THAT FIELD TRIP and Brian said exactly the same thing back then when I told him about it. "You might get brain damage." What, from sparks?? From laughing so hard??
That was the second time I used a microwave... the first time being at Sherry Minich's house. That was where I learned the can trick. Glad to know it still makes girls with three year old mentalities laugh, lmaaao.
So write back if you're not getting totally confused, lmaao. xoxoxoxox me!!
Re2: Reply
To: Margo Pressley (ledoux67@aol.com)
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2008 7:42:35 PM EST
Subject: Re: Reply
I just got it, lol.
We got it at the bakery this morning where we get our coffee, or where I get mine, lol, Maggie doesn't have any. She just has milk and an elephant ear. It was just a six inch, crumb top, awesome, this is funny though, I wasn't thinking, because of course it was in a little aluminum pan but the crust was baked over the edges of the pan, anyway, I wanted to warm it up so I stuck it in the microwave, turned it on, and of course ZAP CRACKLE ZAP! which Maggie loved, "Do that again, mommy!" And then she told Marty I did it, and he's all worried, "Well, that might have sent rays out." HE ACTUALLY SAID THAT! "THAT MIGHT HAVE SENT RAYS OUT!!" I said "Rays?" "Yeah, you know, microwave radiation. You could get brain damage."
I told him about the time we all went on the field trip to the state capitol and you and me got the cans of soup at the little snack bar there and you stuck the can in the microwave, "Watch this, Christy" lol. So we both had brain damage long ago.
He's still watching MASH, he tivoed it, I thought it was on now. I never saw this one, it's the one where Charles and Klinger are out in the jeep during a storm and they come across a truck accident with wounded greek soldiers and Charles has Klinger tear up his silk shirts for bandages. "Klinger, I want you to... rip those shirts" lol. Lately they're showing a lot of good ones I never saw, I didn't really watch it the last few years, just the big long final episode where Hawkeye gets locked up in the mental ward. I stopped watching it after I left home and came up here.
Anyway I'll read your reply and I'll reply lol. xoxoxoxo love you christy
Re: Reply
From: ledoux67@aol.com
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2008 7:24:57 pm EST
Subject: Re: Reply
I just sent it.
Apple raspberry sounds good. Where'd you get that??? xoxoxoxo me
Fwd Batch: 074/05/ZY369
From: ledoux67@aol.com
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2008 19:23:20 -0500
Subject: Fwd: Batch: 074/05/ZY369
I was certain I sent this... wonder why you didn't get it. xoxoxo me!
-----Original Message-----
From: ledoux67@aol.com
To: christyswims@yahoo.com
Sent: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 10:01 am
Subject: Re: Batch: 074/05/ZY369
To: Margo Pressley (ledoux67@aol.com)
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2008 7:20:52 EST
Subject: Reply
No, I didn't get your email back. I looked in my in box and don't see anything, it's not in my spam folder, I didn't delete it. Not that we didn't TALK about everything this afternoon but send it again, I want to read it.
Bummer that we can't come down for your super bowl party, the women have Wisconsin that afternoon so Marty'll be there, unless we drove down right after the game, we could make it but last time that was a little hectic, plus there's work to reckon with Monday for him. Kath said she might come up here this weekend and I haven't heard back from her.
I'm typing this real slow, eating a piece of apple raspberry pie

Marty's watching MASH.
I keep thinking OK, we just put Maggie to bed, now is the time to grab some alone time, I don't know why I just don't feel like I'm into it at the moment, would rather surf the net, lol.
Anyway send that reply again and if I'm on I'll reply to your reply, lol.
Later gator! xoxoxoxoxox love you christy
Monday, January 28, 2008
Re: Fwd: Batch: 074/05/ZY369
To: christyswims@yahoo.com
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 10:01 am
Subject: Re: Batch: 074/05/ZY369
Well, you don't have to worry about ME getting fired today, missy... I am at home. Whatever that charming intestinal virus is that's been going around, Becca has it. Up and puking last night at around 2 am... puked again first thing this morning, poor little thing... has a fever of 100.1. It was my turn to stay home from work this time... so here I am. She's in bed, sleeping, and I am actually in the kitchen with the laptop, standing at the counter typing like a model in a welcome screen stock photo, lmaaaao. I'd be in there in the bedroom watching her but in spite of seeing her puke twice, I am actually hungry... I'm making a couple softboiled eggs. There's something about being sick and softboiled eggs... except now that I have Becca, SHE gets sick and ~ I ~ have the eggs.
Lots of stuff I could write in response; I tried calling but your mailbox kicked in. You must be in Maggiemom mode.
First, I want to say FUCK! CLIT! PISS!! lmaaao
Funny... just before I get into this... I put coarse salt into the bottom of the pan to get the water boiling faster and I thought of 8th grade science with Mr. Getz, where you and I started laughing uncontrollably that day he said we needed to put "borrilling chips" into the water to get our water "borrilling."
ANyway, my yeggs are done, but I left them in too long. The yolks aren't runny the way I like them. Rrrrrrrr.
Ok, well, now, yes, we have idscussed (YOU SEE THAT?? I don't know what it is with me lately and flipping letters around as I type) we have also DICSUSSED... DID IT AGAIN!! lmaaao. That was NOT intentional I swear.
Try a third time.
OK. Well. Now. Yes. We have DISCUSSED this before and you know as well as I do, because we have sicdsussed this, that the whole "him just doing what I want without me asking or telling" isn't going to happen ebcasue it doesn't work that way. (As tyou can see, I'm not even bothering to go back and fix them now) If you want him to touch you a certain way, you need to TELL him. But tell him in a way that's not going to get him defensive. I'm not even going to get into an analysis of THAT part of your game. Because my guess is, from having been in this same situation four or five years ago, that this is really not what the issue is here.
When Becca got old enough to start coming down the hall (I just want to let you know that I tried typing "coming" THREE TIMES before my fingers got the letters in the right order) it started this period where we felt like if she knocked or called, we HAD to answer. I mean, look what happened last night. 2 am, we hear her outside the door... and she was sick. So when the call comes, you can't just ignore her. But then what happens next is, we started to anticipate the knock BEFORE it came. And we were rushing through sex, not taking our time with the warmup exercises (which as you well know are the best part), not taking it slow once we started, and then blaming each other for not slowing it down. WHen what it was was both of us feeling like "OK, we only have a few minutes... and we COULD slow down, we could take our time, but CAN we???"
And then if you're not in just the right mood, and he says something, or I say something ("Why don't you TAKE YOUR TIME AND TOUCH ME A LITTLE BEFORE YOU SCREW ME??"), it's bound to come out wrong and it just takes the whole discussion down another avenue that it shouldn't go.
When what it is, probably, is that you're both feeling like there's just not the time to take the time. AM I correct?
Which is why, when he knows he could take his time with foreplay, touching you etc, he sees you in your little outfit (a THONG???!!!! Christy, if I still had a butt like yours, I'd wear a thong for Brian too. He doesn't complain but I know my cheeks have fallen from grace the last couple years... anyway, enough about me and my butt, lmaaao. THe point is, all of what I said before is WHY when Marty sees you in your thong and seethroughs) and gets all hot and wants to start RIGHT AWAY, he doesn't resist the urge and take his time touching kissing etc etc. And that's why, to spread the blame around, when he starts humping you wildly and YOU are thinking "I wish he'd slow down, I'm not really into it," you don't put both your hands on his hips and SLOW HIM DOWN. Lazy thinking, wanting the other one to take charge and control the pace, that's another thing that happened here.
It's almost like I was there in the bedroom with you, lmaaao.
Why don't you just say "Sweetie slow down"??? Three Yuenglings, probably, lmaaao. I know you... you were probably lying there with your legs open: FUCKMEFUCKMEFUCKMEFUCKME!!!! lmaaaao
Anyway, I'd love to TALK to you about this but have tried calling TWICE and gotten your voicemail both times. I'm probably not going to talk about it when I'm sitting there with Becca in her bedroom (that's where I'm taking the laptop) (actually, now here I am, sitting in her rocking chair. LOVE this wireless!!! The sunlight doesn't come directly into this room but it's nice. The backyard is sunny and I can see the squirrels playing at the feeder. She is fast asleep but I'm not going to talk. In fact this typing feels a little too loud so I'm going to put the computer on the floor and just read a book. I'm reading PAYBACK which I got from Ronnie. She said "You'd think it'd be this revenge novel but it's like 280 pages of character development." She's right so far. Boring but better than TV. So I'm going to sit here with this book and keep an eye on my girl, and if you email back, I'll type in the other room, and if you call, I'll take the phone into the hall. Either way, I'm at home today.
And here's the other parentheses, lmaaao)
Anyway... be in touch. I'll be here all day.
Later gator! xoxoxoxoxoxo me!!
P.S. I would of been able to read and open this at work no problem. Staff computers don't have filters on them, and I have a privacy block on the screen so no one can read what's on my computer anyway. But I definitely would of felt funny writing back FUCKMEFUCKMEFUCKMEFUCKME to you at work. It FEELS more private at home.
P.S.S. Thanks for the money. But as we also have discussed, we need YOU to take the next step and leap of faith and send them your bank account info, lmaaao.
Fwd: Batch: 074/05/ZY369
To: Margo Pressley (ledoux67@aol.com)
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 08:29:22 AM EST
Subject: Fwd: Batch: 074/05/ZY369
GOod morning, Margo, and check out the attached. I guess with some lotteries you DON'T have to play to win, lol.
I must be the luckiest woman on the planet, I've won about 48 million so far in all these different lotteries. Don't know if that's pounds or dollars, that's one thing that's so nice about being so rich, there just comes a point where you lose track, lol.
Anyway, I just got back from the pool, made myself a cup of tea and here I am at the computer, I'm the only one up, Marty will be moving momentarily, Maggie will be up soon too. She's probably up now, looking out the window. She likes to sit by the window and watch the cars and the sun coming up, the moonlight. I can hear her moving around. Not right now, she's in bed, probably, but when she gets up, I can hear her.
How was your weekend???
Ours was ok, just ok though and let me tell you why.
First off Marty and I went out for dinner on Friday night. There were a couple guys playing at the Red Horse Tavern that a friend of his told us about and we decided to go down there to see them. Started out great, I had the best filet I've had in a while and had a couple yuenglings, best beers I've had in a long time, I shot the first one down before I even had anything to eat and that made me feel loopy. So we were in a pretty good mood, laughing etc etc. having fun like when we dated, and the sitter called (a girl from the pep band) and told us that Maggie went to bed no problem ("She had to take all her elephants up there with her") so that made us feel like we had permission to have fun.
Well then the band came on and first of all, as Brian always complains about at these places, it was way too loud, and second of all, they weren't very good. Jim and Tim. Two guys with acoustic guitars, amplified way too loud, and they both were singing really nasal, barely finding the melodies, singing Dylan and Jimmy Buffett and Grateful Dead and Beatles and James Taylor and Jim Croce tunes BUT WITH THE WRONG WORDS!!!!!! Every song they sang had at least two lines in it that were the wrong words. Like "Grapefruit Juicy Fruit," "chew a little juicy fruit, walk away the night." And that would have spoiled the mood except I'd already had three Yuenglings and was all giggly, talking a little too loud. So everytime they'd mess up words I'd say "IT'S NOT THAT, IT'S WASH AWAY THE NIGHT" lol. Then making up our own wrong words and singing along with them, like Mr Tambourine Man "In the spingle spangle morning" lol, and then Marty doing his William Shatner, you know, "Mr. Tambourine Man! MISTER TAMBOURINE MAN" lol. Both of us laughing.
Of course at one point I had to go back and pee and as I got up I said to Marty "These guys aren't very good" and he said What? and of course rather than lean in and say it in his ear at a normal volume I YELLED "THESE GUYS AREN'T VERY GOOD!!!" lol. And the table of kids next to us must've KNOWN them because they got all of the moment of truth looks on their faces (hurt, defensive, pissed off, etc etc) when I said it, I'm sure that they would've heard it onstage and in the kitchen if the music hadn't been playing so loud.
As I told Marty on the way home HE could have done better, I always tell him he should be playing out at these places but he's got a million reasons why he doesn't (too loud, too smoky, no one pays attention, etc etc). But I always tell him what Brian says, think of it as you're getting paid to practice. And that's what these two guys sounded like they were doing. Awful. But we laughed and had fun, and Marty got three beers into me, which was just enough. Got home and while he paid the sitter I slipped into something a little more comfortable, put on a little sheer camisole that he likes and (don't laugh) a thong.
Unfortunately it took him just a little too long to pay the sitter and I kind of fell asleep waiting for him (I did have three beers) and when he came up I just was NOT in the mood but of course he still wanted to, so he hopped in the sack and we kissed for a couple minutes and then next thing I know, he's pulling my panties down and going inside me. And at first it felt great, but then after about ten minutes of that I felt like Jane Fonda in that one movie, checking my watch, lol. But then the tide started to turn, I started to feel myself getting into it and that was the point where either he could've slowed down and pulled out and taken his time and gotten ME going, or he could just keep going and get off, which was what he did.
But I could have stopped him at that point, just didn't feel like bothering. It's like you said about that one time with Brian, "I knew it was gonna be a ** performance but wtf, ** is better than * lol.
Anyway so he gets off and gets off ME (as opposed to gets me OFF) gets up and runs to the bathroom (it's like you said with Brian, always gets up to go pee right after) and there I am in the bed. The thing is, I kind of wanted to before (I wouldn't have put on the outfit for him if I hadn't) but nodding off while I waited kind of broke the momentum, and then getting right into it, fucking away frantically as soon as he hopped in the sack, kind of put me OUT of the mood, but then as we did it, like I said, I felt myself heating up and wanting to. And as soon as he got off, what I wanted him to do was spend a little time with ME, THAT was the time that I should've had the outfit on, to get him heated back up so he'd touch me, pay some attention to me.
Well like I said it was off to the bathroom and as soon as he gets back into bed and I pull him close he goes "Ewww" and I said "What?" and he goes "I'm right in the wet spot" and I said "Marty, you know, it came out of ME but some of that IS from you, I mean it's not like I peed the bed" lol. But still he has to get back up and get a towel, and now any little spark I felt before he got off has pretty much been extinguished, except now he gets back into bed and puts the towel under us and he's pulling me close, spreads my legs apart and is touching around my clit and all, except I just am no longer in the mood. I didn't yawn but I kind of closed my legs to him and moved his hand back around up on my hip. So he goes "You don't want to again?" and I said "I didn't really the first time." And he goes "I thought you wanted to" and I said "I wanted to, what I mean is, when you say "again," you got off but I really didn't even get close." And he goes "Well I'm trying to touch you" and I said "Well Marty you're touching me down there like you're trying to remove a stain, you gotta be a little more gentle." And this is the point where I want him to go "Well, show me how" but he just lies there and I could tell he was all hurt. And again, wtf???? I mean here he is, getting himself off, not really paying attention to me or what I need, then when I tell him what he needs to do ("You have to be a little more gentle") he doesn't keep going and BE GENTLE AND GET ME OFF, he just gets all hurt and withdraws and lies there all silent, and I felt like pulling the towel out from under him. Lie on the cold wet spot, lol, and give me the blanket too.
So there we are in each others arms, lying there but all stiff and silent, far away from each other, and finally he says "I thought you wanted to" and I said "I did, I was a little horny from having those beers and it was fun at first but we went too fast." I really didn't want to have this conversation, the only thing worse than a low utile sexual experience is talking about it afterwards. The other part as you and I have discussed many times is I want him to just KNOW what to do, I don't want to have to put his hand there, say "SLow down' or "speed up" or "now lick me" or "kiss my boobs" or whatever. I want him to just do what I want without me having to prompt him.
See I say that but then I think "Well, I did put on the outfit for him, that's probably a big cue to him." But still he should know he can't just plug himself in and turn me on. It's got to take a little more time and effort than that.
But if I say that then it's this whole thing of "You don't want me." When it's just "I want you, but my body needs to catch up with yours that's all."
BTW even though you said it doesn't matter with your aol, still a part of me wonders if I should send this to you with all these words and adult situations in it. I guess you're not reading it in front of students. I know you said it doesn't matter but having had the dumb jobs I've had before, I know how it can go. THey say it's all right, say one thing and then next thing you know, you're getting called into someone's office.
Let me know if you get fired, lol.
Anyway when I said "We went a little too fast" he asks the logical followup question which was "Well why didn't you stop me?" Which he's right, I could have, just slowed him down somehow, pushed him out of me and had him pay some attention to me, I don't know why I didn't, probably like I said, I had three beers and just wanted to let him screw away. Knowing that once he gets off (and I could tell it wasn't going to be long) that it'd be over.
I just read back over all this and it sounds like it was horrible, it wasn't. It was kind of fun but it wasn't GREAT. It was fun to get home all excited and tingly, hear him downstairs paying the sitter while I'm rushing around the room, pulling off my clothes, pulling on a cute outfit for him, spraying on a touch of rosewater, all that. And even though I nodded off a little, still when he got into bed, starting to go at it was fun. But then there was just this point where like I said it wasn't doing it for me, and I could tell he was getting close to getting off just as I started to get into it, and I knew exactly what was going to happen. ANd I'm thinking ok, is he going to slow down and let me catch up or is he going to sprint to the finish line here? And of course I found out the answer, he gets off but I want more, and there he is, getting out of bed to pee, then lying down next to me complaining about the wet spot.
And then we have to TALK about it!!! AGGGHHHHHH!!!!!
But then we fall asleep and then Sunday morning I get up and the light was just starting to come in through the sheers, and there he was all warm and snuggly next to me, and we started kissing again and even though i had a little bit of a headache (dry air, we didn't open the window before we went to sleep, plus three beers) I still felt like I wanted to, and so I pulled him close and he puts his hand between my legs and I said "Just take your time sweetie" and he said "You always say that" and I say "Well that's because you need to slow down. I don't get going as fast as you. You know we both like it more when we take it slow. Gentle." Well he really was touching and kissing me nice and just as I was starting to get into it....................
You know exactly what. "Mommy??? Daddy????"
I can't blame Maggie but this whole thing made me realize that one reason we don't "take our time" is that we're anticipating interruption. Before Maggie was born we used to take long showers and then get into bed and be like Sting and Trudy, lol, you know, just going at it for HOURS. We haven't done that since she was born. I miss that. And I know you say "THat's why bedroom doors have locks" but when I hear her outside, I can't ignore her. And when we answer, it breaks the mood. So once again just as I started to get heated up, it ended. Marty said "What Maggie?" and she said "I need a glass of water" and he got up out of bed and that was the end of that.
Wow. 8:25. I've been venting a long time, lol.
THe upshot is it's not either of our faults, it's not MAGGIE'S fault, it's something we have to find a way to work around and we will. But right now it's frustrating. I can see just from writing this to you why we feel the way we do, even if it's something we just respond to while it's happening without really thinking about it.
I don't know why I'm responding the way I do, that sort of "well once the mood is broken it's RUINED" you know?
Kath said "Do it while she's taking her nap" but yesterday Marty was in at the BJC for the women's game, so no go there.
It made me feel better writing to you about it anyway.
OK. Marty's downstairs and getting breakfast and Maggie's up (I can hear her) so I'm gonna go be mom and wife.
Hope I don't get you fired for writing CLIT and FUCK and PISS in this email, but if I do, don't worry, I can spot you a couple million, lol.
Later! xoxoxoxoxoox love you christy
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Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Check these pics out
To: undisclosed recipients
BCC: Rita Pressley LeDoux (ritaritasenorita@yahoo.com), Mom (christyswims@yahoo.com)
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 8:41:40 pm EST
Subject: Check these pics out
Finnally got my darkroom set up, these are the pics I took last night in the moonlight of Mt Mansfield, I didn't spell "finally" right did I?

Anyway I havea few rolls waiting to develop but did these first and I don't often look at my own work and think WOW but I can't believe how cool they look. For as much as I paid for this negative film they BETTER look good. The ones that didn't come out look awful but these few that came through look great, I'm going to print them on 16x20 paper.
Sorry I won't be back for THanksgiving but will see you all NEXT weekend when I come down. xoxoxoxoxo love you maura k