
This site is a continuation of my online novel-in-email, xo bri xoxo me xoxoxo love you christy. Call it a soap opera in email.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Re: Fwd: Batch: 074/05/ZY369

From: ledoux67@aol.com
To: christyswims@yahoo.com
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 10:01 am
Subject: Re: Batch: 074/05/ZY369

Well, you don't have to worry about ME getting fired today, missy... I am at home. Whatever that charming intestinal virus is that's been going around, Becca has it. Up and puking last night at around 2 am... puked again first thing this morning, poor little thing... has a fever of 100.1. It was my turn to stay home from work this time... so here I am. She's in bed, sleeping, and I am actually in the kitchen with the laptop, standing at the counter typing like a model in a welcome screen stock photo, lmaaaao. I'd be in there in the bedroom watching her but in spite of seeing her puke twice, I am actually hungry... I'm making a couple softboiled eggs. There's something about being sick and softboiled eggs... except now that I have Becca, SHE gets sick and ~ I ~ have the eggs.

Lots of stuff I could write in response; I tried calling but your mailbox kicked in. You must be in Maggiemom mode.

First, I want to say FUCK! CLIT! PISS!! lmaaao

Funny... just before I get into this... I put coarse salt into the bottom of the pan to get the water boiling faster and I thought of 8th grade science with Mr. Getz, where you and I started laughing uncontrollably that day he said we needed to put "borrilling chips" into the water to get our water "borrilling."

ANyway, my yeggs are done, but I left them in too long. The yolks aren't runny the way I like them. Rrrrrrrr.

Ok, well, now, yes, we have idscussed (YOU SEE THAT?? I don't know what it is with me lately and flipping letters around as I type) we have also DICSUSSED... DID IT AGAIN!! lmaaao. That was NOT intentional I swear.

Try a third time.

OK. Well. Now. Yes. We have DISCUSSED this before and you know as well as I do, because we have sicdsussed this, that the whole "him just doing what I want without me asking or telling" isn't going to happen ebcasue it doesn't work that way. (As tyou can see, I'm not even bothering to go back and fix them now) If you want him to touch you a certain way, you need to TELL him. But tell him in a way that's not going to get him defensive. I'm not even going to get into an analysis of THAT part of your game. Because my guess is, from having been in this same situation four or five years ago, that this is really not what the issue is here.

When Becca got old enough to start coming down the hall (I just want to let you know that I tried typing "coming" THREE TIMES before my fingers got the letters in the right order) it started this period where we felt like if she knocked or called, we HAD to answer. I mean, look what happened last night. 2 am, we hear her outside the door... and she was sick. So when the call comes, you can't just ignore her. But then what happens next is, we started to anticipate the knock BEFORE it came. And we were rushing through sex, not taking our time with the warmup exercises (which as you well know are the best part), not taking it slow once we started, and then blaming each other for not slowing it down. WHen what it was was both of us feeling like "OK, we only have a few minutes... and we COULD slow down, we could take our time, but CAN we???"

And then if you're not in just the right mood, and he says something, or I say something ("Why don't you TAKE YOUR TIME AND TOUCH ME A LITTLE BEFORE YOU SCREW ME??"), it's bound to come out wrong and it just takes the whole discussion down another avenue that it shouldn't go.

When what it is, probably, is that you're both feeling like there's just not the time to take the time. AM I correct?

Which is why, when he knows he could take his time with foreplay, touching you etc, he sees you in your little outfit (a THONG???!!!! Christy, if I still had a butt like yours, I'd wear a thong for Brian too. He doesn't complain but I know my cheeks have fallen from grace the last couple years... anyway, enough about me and my butt, lmaaao. THe point is, all of what I said before is WHY when Marty sees you in your thong and seethroughs) and gets all hot and wants to start RIGHT AWAY, he doesn't resist the urge and take his time touching kissing etc etc. And that's why, to spread the blame around, when he starts humping you wildly and YOU are thinking "I wish he'd slow down, I'm not really into it," you don't put both your hands on his hips and SLOW HIM DOWN. Lazy thinking, wanting the other one to take charge and control the pace, that's another thing that happened here.

It's almost like I was there in the bedroom with you, lmaaao.

Why don't you just say "Sweetie slow down"??? Three Yuenglings, probably, lmaaao. I know you... you were probably lying there with your legs open: FUCKMEFUCKMEFUCKMEFUCKME!!!! lmaaaao

Anyway, I'd love to TALK to you about this but have tried calling TWICE and gotten your voicemail both times. I'm probably not going to talk about it when I'm sitting there with Becca in her bedroom (that's where I'm taking the laptop) (actually, now here I am, sitting in her rocking chair. LOVE this wireless!!! The sunlight doesn't come directly into this room but it's nice. The backyard is sunny and I can see the squirrels playing at the feeder. She is fast asleep but I'm not going to talk. In fact this typing feels a little too loud so I'm going to put the computer on the floor and just read a book. I'm reading PAYBACK which I got from Ronnie. She said "You'd think it'd be this revenge novel but it's like 280 pages of character development." She's right so far. Boring but better than TV. So I'm going to sit here with this book and keep an eye on my girl, and if you email back, I'll type in the other room, and if you call, I'll take the phone into the hall. Either way, I'm at home today.

And here's the other parentheses, lmaaao)

Anyway... be in touch. I'll be here all day.

Later gator! xoxoxoxoxoxo me!!

P.S. I would of been able to read and open this at work no problem. Staff computers don't have filters on them, and I have a privacy block on the screen so no one can read what's on my computer anyway. But I definitely would of felt funny writing back FUCKMEFUCKMEFUCKMEFUCKME to you at work. It FEELS more private at home.
P.S.S. Thanks for the money. But as we also have discussed, we need YOU to take the next step and leap of faith and send them your bank account info, lmaaao.


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