
This site is a continuation of my online novel-in-email, xo bri xoxo me xoxoxo love you christy. Call it a soap opera in email.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

What a week

To: christyswims@yahoo.com
From: ledoux67@aol.com
Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2008 07:27 am EST
Subject: What a week

Wow, Christy... I think she's turned the corner and she's gonna be better... can't tell if the antibiotics are kicking in but her fever was down last night, which is a good sign... but man... pneumonia. That really seemed to come out of nowhere. She was a little sniffly earlier this week but mainly what she had seemed to be intestinal (puking, couldn't keep anything down, not even broth). I didn't hear the COUGHING that you think of with a chest cold-bronchitis-pneumonia until Wednesday afternoon... then she got up yesterday and said her chest hurt and I saw the pink phlegm, so I took her right in to see Dr Richardson.

Walking pneumonia, which is the less severe kind, and the antibiotics should take care of it (they gave her two shots: erythromycin and electrolytes, and amazingly she didn't cry at the needle. Poor kid was so miserable otherwise I don't think she really even noticed.)

It really seemed to come out of nowhere. (I already said that, didn't I?)

Anyway I'm home again today... hoping that the antibiotics do their thing and that she'll feel better enough to go back to school on Monday or TUesday.

Meanwhile there's our stupid super bowl (oops... that's Big Game) party... Brian says we should just call everyone now and cancel it... on the one hand, you know me: I hate to go changing everyone's plans. ANd she's not really CONTAGIOUS, so she's liable to be better by Sunday night. But still... even if she is, do I really WANT everyone trampling around here making noise till the game ends??? Even if she IS well enough on Sunday to go to school Monday (which I already decided I'm keeping her home till Tuesday anyway).

I mean, really, I'm not even INTO the game that much that I need to see it; mainly it's just an excuse to nosh and mingle. And I know Brian's not that into it.

So sometime this morning I'm gonna call everyone and cancel.

So once again he's right.

So... that's been MY week. Trip to the doctor yesterday afternoon... shots and meds for the girlygirl... all she's doing is sleeping... I just went in to check on her and she still feels a little warm but not HOT like yesterday. The Dr said the shot should jumpstart things and that the antibiotics (she has to get up and take one at 8) will take care of it.

I hate when Becca's sick. Hate seeing her puke and miserable... hate that I have to take her to the doctor's... don't want her (or Brian) to ever be sick or anything like that. I'd rather be sick and puking myself.

OK... maybe not puking. But you know what I mean.

Brian feels bad that he's been at work all week, but that's the way it fell. He really doesn't have sick days to use; I do, so I did. At least one of us could.

He's up now, buzzing around, getting ready to ride in to the school. I think he has a class and two private students on Friday morning, then the afternoon is usually his hang out all afternoon at the cafe looking groovy time, but he's going to score us a couple Ernie's dogs and come home by yunch.

So that's us.

So... what happened after we sent all those emails back and forth a couple nights ago???? Did you, uh, go grab his pecker, lmaaao.

Curious and curious...

I'm at home all day... call when you can! xoxoxoxoxoxo me!!


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