Re: Take a look at these
From: "Rita Pressley" (
To: "Maura Kelly" (
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2008 10:02:09 am EST
Subject: Re: Take a look at these
Wow... how pretty.... the colors are so suttle (as Margo would write!). And most amazing thing of all: YOU GOT UP OUT OF BED TO TAKE THEM WHEN IT'S COLD AND EARLY!!! How can you do it??
All of your winter pics make me wish I was there. But I guess we WILL be over spring break.
Actually when I saw the subject line TAKE A LOOK AT THESE I thought maybe you'd gotten in touch with that gross dude at the camera shop and decided to do some FIGURE WORK!!!
I'm fine here... a quiet morning. It's a little chilly here but not insanely cold, so we might walk over to Sam's and have a bagel. I could go for one lately and wanted to go there yesterday but the morning got away from us, so we just chilled around the house. Stayed at home and watched the game here. We'd kind of talked about going up to Gettysburg to my brother's but one, Margo said that Becca was sick (walking pneumonia) and I wouldn't want Dannydan to get anything, plus two, the game is on so late, we wouldn't have gotten back till midnight, and Tony leaves for work at 7 am, so... we just stayed around here and chilled.
But no bagel yesterday... but today... bwah haha hahahahaha. BAGEL!!!
Dannydan's better this week, thanks for asking. So WE are better... sleeping soundly.
His teething... well, they're coming in. Some of them seem to hurt A LOT when they come in, whilst others don't seem to bother him at all.
And no I am NOT nursing him anymore... just pumping and bottling it. The lips on the nips were one thing, but one bite was ENOUGH, thank you.
Get this: Margo said "Oh, yeah, Becca and Tony did that too when they started teething. You get used to it." NO, YOU DON'T!!!!! NOT ME!!!!!!!!
Anyway he was really miserable a couple nights last week but this weekend calmed down. I guess when they're breaking through the gums is when it's worst... but the last couple days he's been fine.
I'll tell him you asked.
Tony like I said is gone, and I am sitting here quietly looking at an ANSEL ADAMS book I signed out of the Pratt... that calendar you gave us made me want to see more of his pictures. You know how the thing on the back of the calendar says that St. Martin's is the ONLY AUTHORIZED PUBLISHER for the works of Ansel Adams or something... well, of course the first thing I noticed is that this book wasn't published by them, and there's a LITTLE blurb on the inside that says something like "This book is not authorized by the Ansel Adams estate" or something like that.
Of course it's a LIBRARY book... I didn't pay for it, so I don't feel bad. But still: how can they publish his pictures without it being authorized??? I'm confused...
Anyway... I liked this part....
Of course Adams essential mountaineering equipment always included a camera. It is easy to overlook the fact that in order to photograph mountains, unless one always wants to shoot from the base up, one must climb them. This is easier in today's world of sophisticated equipment and lightweight alloys OK, OK, whatever....
but Adams had a different experience. DUring one expedition in the snowy high country, for instance, he hauled around a camera pack weighing 40 pounds, include his "Korona view camera, several lenses, two filters, six holders containing twelve glass plates, and a heavy wooden tripod"-- in addition to his camping gear!"
What they don't say is that MRS. Adams was there lugging all of the baby shit!!!
But here's the part I liked, that made me think of you:
Some of Adams's most brilliant mountain photographs seem to reflect not only the majesty and splendor of the natural scene but also the artist's exuberance at attaining the perfect roost after a long and often grueling climb.
That's how I feel when I see your pictures. Like you're so psyched to be seeing what you're seeing. I can just hear your voice and you saying "Rita, wow, I just got back from taking pictures and you should've SEEN the light in the pines... wait till you see it."
Tony was saying that the thing that cracks him up is seeing your REJECTS. "I just loved the way she was showing us those pictures and she kept going 'no, no, that's all wrong, it didn't look like this, that's just a bad print, that was a bad shot' and I'm like 'WHAT MAKES IT SO BAD??'" I told him you're a perfectionist and you're trying to capture how things really look, and that it's hard.
"But it looks good enough to me."
Well, that's why SHE'S a photographer and YOU'RE a high school basketball coach, sweetie
Dannydan crying. I changed him...
Hard to believe it was about 45 minutes for that BRB but it was.
ANyhoo....that book had me thinking of you. We might go downtown this afternoon and see if we can BUY a book of his.
But I think right now I'm going to walk and get a sesame bagel, toasted, with cream cheese and lox!!! And a tangerine odwalla! And Dannydan's bottle... maybe if I pump now and walk really fast it'll still be warm when I get there.
Talk to ya later allitator... thanks again for the pics and let me know how the PRINTS come out... scan and send if you feel like it!
To: "Maura Kelly" (
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2008 10:02:09 am EST
Subject: Re: Take a look at these
Wow... how pretty.... the colors are so suttle (as Margo would write!). And most amazing thing of all: YOU GOT UP OUT OF BED TO TAKE THEM WHEN IT'S COLD AND EARLY!!! How can you do it??
All of your winter pics make me wish I was there. But I guess we WILL be over spring break.
Actually when I saw the subject line TAKE A LOOK AT THESE I thought maybe you'd gotten in touch with that gross dude at the camera shop and decided to do some FIGURE WORK!!!

I'm fine here... a quiet morning. It's a little chilly here but not insanely cold, so we might walk over to Sam's and have a bagel. I could go for one lately and wanted to go there yesterday but the morning got away from us, so we just chilled around the house. Stayed at home and watched the game here. We'd kind of talked about going up to Gettysburg to my brother's but one, Margo said that Becca was sick (walking pneumonia) and I wouldn't want Dannydan to get anything, plus two, the game is on so late, we wouldn't have gotten back till midnight, and Tony leaves for work at 7 am, so... we just stayed around here and chilled.
But no bagel yesterday... but today... bwah haha hahahahaha. BAGEL!!!
Dannydan's better this week, thanks for asking. So WE are better... sleeping soundly.
His teething... well, they're coming in. Some of them seem to hurt A LOT when they come in, whilst others don't seem to bother him at all.
And no I am NOT nursing him anymore... just pumping and bottling it. The lips on the nips were one thing, but one bite was ENOUGH, thank you.
Get this: Margo said "Oh, yeah, Becca and Tony did that too when they started teething. You get used to it." NO, YOU DON'T!!!!! NOT ME!!!!!!!!
Anyway he was really miserable a couple nights last week but this weekend calmed down. I guess when they're breaking through the gums is when it's worst... but the last couple days he's been fine.
I'll tell him you asked.

Tony like I said is gone, and I am sitting here quietly looking at an ANSEL ADAMS book I signed out of the Pratt... that calendar you gave us made me want to see more of his pictures. You know how the thing on the back of the calendar says that St. Martin's is the ONLY AUTHORIZED PUBLISHER for the works of Ansel Adams or something... well, of course the first thing I noticed is that this book wasn't published by them, and there's a LITTLE blurb on the inside that says something like "This book is not authorized by the Ansel Adams estate" or something like that.
Of course it's a LIBRARY book... I didn't pay for it, so I don't feel bad. But still: how can they publish his pictures without it being authorized??? I'm confused...

Anyway... I liked this part....
Of course Adams essential mountaineering equipment always included a camera. It is easy to overlook the fact that in order to photograph mountains, unless one always wants to shoot from the base up, one must climb them. This is easier in today's world of sophisticated equipment and lightweight alloys OK, OK, whatever....

What they don't say is that MRS. Adams was there lugging all of the baby shit!!!

But here's the part I liked, that made me think of you:
Some of Adams's most brilliant mountain photographs seem to reflect not only the majesty and splendor of the natural scene but also the artist's exuberance at attaining the perfect roost after a long and often grueling climb.
That's how I feel when I see your pictures. Like you're so psyched to be seeing what you're seeing. I can just hear your voice and you saying "Rita, wow, I just got back from taking pictures and you should've SEEN the light in the pines... wait till you see it."
Tony was saying that the thing that cracks him up is seeing your REJECTS. "I just loved the way she was showing us those pictures and she kept going 'no, no, that's all wrong, it didn't look like this, that's just a bad print, that was a bad shot' and I'm like 'WHAT MAKES IT SO BAD??'" I told him you're a perfectionist and you're trying to capture how things really look, and that it's hard.
"But it looks good enough to me."
Well, that's why SHE'S a photographer and YOU'RE a high school basketball coach, sweetie

Dannydan crying. I changed him...
Hard to believe it was about 45 minutes for that BRB but it was.
ANyhoo....that book had me thinking of you. We might go downtown this afternoon and see if we can BUY a book of his.
But I think right now I'm going to walk and get a sesame bagel, toasted, with cream cheese and lox!!! And a tangerine odwalla! And Dannydan's bottle... maybe if I pump now and walk really fast it'll still be warm when I get there.
Talk to ya later allitator... thanks again for the pics and let me know how the PRINTS come out... scan and send if you feel like it!

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