Re: Argument
From: "Rita Pressley LeDoux" (
To: "Maura Kelly" (
Date: Wednesday, August 6, 2008 10:32 AM
Subject: Re: Argument
"I want him but I want ME too." And what's wrong with that??? Nothing, but that's the big problem I ran into with Tony... feeling like I was expected to JUST want him and us and put ME aside. And sounds like what you're running into with Toddytodd: it's not that he doesn't want you to do what you want, it's that you THINK he doesn't want you to do what you want. RIght?
But also, face it Mauramodel: moving DOES suck and it puts you in this stressed overwhelmed frame of mind for weeks leading up to and days after, and especially DURING. And who can blame you for wanting to just GET AWAY from that???
I don't. So by extension, neither should he!
ANyhoo.... glad you talked and had a little roll in the hay once you finally got it out.
As for the other deeper stuff you were saying... I dunno if it "means" that you really don't want to be involved with him. I mean, how DO you feel now that he's closer with his kids and not "away" half the week? Didn't sound to me like you had any problem with it.
Sometimes honey, I mean I love you like a sister and all , but sometimes honey you just THINK TOO MUCH. As we all do. But trust your gut. You want to be with him, you be with him.... you want to back off, you back off. You love him, you tell him. This is what I hear you saying and doing and feeling. Why take it that extra step and think that if you're doing something, that it REALLY means that you feel deep down something ELSE that's not being expressed? What you REALLY want and REALLY need gets expressed in your actions, right??????
Not that you won't have doubts fears worries etc etc etc. I still do and I'm HAPPILY MARRIED WITH A BABY BOY!!!! And I AM happily married with a baby boy, happy to be a mom. But that doesn't mean that sometimes I don't want to drive far far far away from (on alternate days) Tonybaloney or Dannydan or both. So just because you're with someone you love doesn't mean that you're always going to have things perfect. But one thing you have going for you... ok, make that TWO things you have going for you. One is that you don't have any trouble backing off and speaking up and taking time for yourself when you need it. Two is that HE understands that you need that and doesn't hold it against you. (OK, just this weekend, but that was the exception to the rule. I think you two figured that one out.) I think we are both lucky that way.
I am actually here at the cafe, sucking down a grapefruit izze... worked from 6-10 this morning. Tonybaloney and Dannydan are walking over here; he's running a little late.
And there he is, so................ sayonara for now.
AWWWWWW... you should've seen it! Dannydan was sitting in his stroller looking through the window at me, waving.... big big big big big big smile. Now he is at the counter with Tony, looking over his shoulder... gotta go gotta go gotta go.
I am in love!!!
Talk later Mauramodel... working at the warehouse tomorrow PM fyi!
and in line ordering hot chocolate and a muffin, Tonybaloney
and Dannydan 
P.S. WHat should I do on facebook anyway??? And what do your mom-Todd-TODD'S KIDS think of your pic? That was the only thing I wondered. Aside from "God, she's bolder than I am, putting one of those pics up..." Made me want to change my picture to me in an anorak and sunglasses
To: "Maura Kelly" (
Date: Wednesday, August 6, 2008 10:32 AM
Subject: Re: Argument
"I want him but I want ME too." And what's wrong with that??? Nothing, but that's the big problem I ran into with Tony... feeling like I was expected to JUST want him and us and put ME aside. And sounds like what you're running into with Toddytodd: it's not that he doesn't want you to do what you want, it's that you THINK he doesn't want you to do what you want. RIght?
But also, face it Mauramodel: moving DOES suck and it puts you in this stressed overwhelmed frame of mind for weeks leading up to and days after, and especially DURING. And who can blame you for wanting to just GET AWAY from that???
I don't. So by extension, neither should he!

ANyhoo.... glad you talked and had a little roll in the hay once you finally got it out.
As for the other deeper stuff you were saying... I dunno if it "means" that you really don't want to be involved with him. I mean, how DO you feel now that he's closer with his kids and not "away" half the week? Didn't sound to me like you had any problem with it.
Sometimes honey, I mean I love you like a sister and all , but sometimes honey you just THINK TOO MUCH. As we all do. But trust your gut. You want to be with him, you be with him.... you want to back off, you back off. You love him, you tell him. This is what I hear you saying and doing and feeling. Why take it that extra step and think that if you're doing something, that it REALLY means that you feel deep down something ELSE that's not being expressed? What you REALLY want and REALLY need gets expressed in your actions, right??????
Not that you won't have doubts fears worries etc etc etc. I still do and I'm HAPPILY MARRIED WITH A BABY BOY!!!! And I AM happily married with a baby boy, happy to be a mom. But that doesn't mean that sometimes I don't want to drive far far far away from (on alternate days) Tonybaloney or Dannydan or both. So just because you're with someone you love doesn't mean that you're always going to have things perfect. But one thing you have going for you... ok, make that TWO things you have going for you. One is that you don't have any trouble backing off and speaking up and taking time for yourself when you need it. Two is that HE understands that you need that and doesn't hold it against you. (OK, just this weekend, but that was the exception to the rule. I think you two figured that one out.) I think we are both lucky that way.
I am actually here at the cafe, sucking down a grapefruit izze... worked from 6-10 this morning. Tonybaloney and Dannydan are walking over here; he's running a little late.
And there he is, so................ sayonara for now.
AWWWWWW... you should've seen it! Dannydan was sitting in his stroller looking through the window at me, waving.... big big big big big big smile. Now he is at the counter with Tony, looking over his shoulder... gotta go gotta go gotta go.
I am in love!!!
Talk later Mauramodel... working at the warehouse tomorrow PM fyi!

P.S. WHat should I do on facebook anyway??? And what do your mom-Todd-TODD'S KIDS think of your pic? That was the only thing I wondered. Aside from "God, she's bolder than I am, putting one of those pics up..." Made me want to change my picture to me in an anorak and sunglasses

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