
This site is a continuation of my online novel-in-email, xo bri xoxo me xoxoxo love you christy. Call it a soap opera in email.

Monday, August 13, 2007


From: ledoux67@aol.com
To: christyswims@yahoo.com
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2007 12:43:38 EDT
Subject: Monday

Hi Christy... they're off to the lake. I just didn't feel like tagging along. But GUESS WHAT???? BRIAN FINALLY HAS A CELL PHONE!!!! And o irony of ironies, guess where we got it? WALMART!!!! HA! HA! HA! HA DE HA! HA! HAAA!

Mr. "I-will-never-own-one-of-those-things-and-why-do-you-shop-
is now carrying a CELL PHONE FROM WALMART!!!!!

He has been absorbed into the collective, lmaaaao.

I was tired of him being out of touch and always having to take MINE if he took Becca out-went hiking-went out to work in the trees- rode down into town to boff one of his students lmaaao, so Saturday I was out with Mom shopping for baby things to drop off for Senorita and I passed the display of go phones (or whatever they call them) (Net 10 phones; I'm looking at the manual) and they were only $29.88 with 300 minutes included, so I said "Doddammit, I'm gonna GET HIM ONE whether he likes it or not." And when I got home I gave it to him and before he even could START I said "Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh. NO excuses. NO backtalk. NO lectures. This is your phone now. Use it."

The change has commmmmme, heeeeee's under my thummmmb, lmaaao

And you know him: he is so RESISTANT to having one of those things that he was TRYING to play stupid... "well, how do you answer? What key do you hit to just make a call? How do you turn it off?" But I also know that he is TECH SAVVY (esp for someone who use to call himself a luddite) and I said "YOU CANNOT FOOL ME! If you WANTED to, you would figure out how to work this thing better than me within an HOUR. Shit, BECCA knows how to use one." (I got her one too, for her schoolbag, so we can get in touch if need be)

And he said "Yeah, you're right."

And I did this too Christy: I set it with a REALLY ANNOYING RING TONE so that he will be FORCED to figure out how to work it. It's a sound of a rooster crowing, lmaaao. I have called him FOUR TIMES now since he and Beccaroo left (11:30) and I could tell he was getting more and more annoyed, but he would never SAY... the last time he answered he said "Can't a genie even take a baaaath?" (remember that Bugs Bunny??) and he was trying to be funny but I could tell if Becca wasn't in the car with him he would have gone BALLISTIC on me.

Which he needs to do more often.

Anyway last time I called (wait a minute... it's been 17 minutes... I have to call him again, lmaaao) he said "Uhhh, how do you change the sounds on this."

"It's in the manual..." Silence "...which you left..." Silence. "...here."

"Well, can you walk me through it?"

"Nope! Looks like you're screwed." END CALL.

The ads are right. These phones ARE fun, lmaaao.

Anyway, he'll figure it out.

But he has a cell phone now, so if you want to call him, it's 717-243-1313.

Call him several times in succession, why don't you? lmaaao

DAMMIT! He just called ME and said he figured out how to silence it. "This thing won't shock me if my swimsuit is wet, will it?" I said "Brian, now you're just being like your mom."

I expect that he will "accidentally" go swim with it sometime in the next two weeks.

HA! Now he's texting me. Full of typos. "Bdeccca rsays HI" O how the mighty have fallen.

HEY WOMAN. Lissen. I saw Trish Wood at Walmart on Sunday. She wanted to know if you and I wanted to put together the class picnic for our 30th reunion next summer, since the LAST ONE we planned rocked out so much. I said I didn't want to volunteer you, because now you have Maggie, but of course you would, lmaaao. So get ideas together.

Hope you're having a nice day... sweet weather, no??? xoxoxoxoxoxo me!

Forward to Brian's take on all this


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