From: Rita LeDoux (
To: Margo Pressley (
Date: Wed 25 July 2007 13:26:07
Subj: BE JEALOUS!!!!!
OK.... so yes, you were here for the Cal Sendoff yesterday... and got BEHIND THE SCENES ACCESS to all areas that normally only Senorita is privy to....
BUT.... guess what just happened to MOI not TEN MINUTES AGO???
I left you a message and you haven't called back, and I can't wait to TELL you, so here it is, because I know you'll want it in writing.
(I know you're beside yourself with excitement and anticipation. )
(NO! I DIDN'T GO INTO LABOR, in case you're wondering. )
(So... ready?? Here goes...
At shortly BEFORE (not after) one o'clock I was coming back into the cool airconditioned warehouse from the market and my crabcake, iced mocha latte and two donut lunch and I get in the elevator to go back up to my office and take my apresnoon nap... and just as the elevator door is closing, lo and behold who pushes his way in but YOUR HERO.... CAL RIPKEN JR HIMSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I have stood near Cal (or "Junior," as we call him here
) on the field (last season when they had the Orioles hall of fame stuff) and a couple other times... I've seen him in the warehouse before in passing but I've never been one on one, up close with him.... and I certainly never shared an ELEVATOR with him.
ALONE, mind you.
And me, married n preggers!!
And let me tell you, in the faint fluorescent light of the elevator, he has the MOST DREAMY EYES!!!! tee hee. I mean, ICE BLUE. I always noticed it in pictures and in person, but up close, in an elevator, they're even MORE dreamy!!!
Poor guy really looks tired, though... there are LINES under those blue eyes.
So the elevator door is closing on him and I'm hitting the button to get it to open back up and as he steps in I see it's him... and he says "Thanks" and I say "Good thing the doors don't have teeth, huh?" and he smiles and nods, and I'm thinking:
Well... just as I'm thinking that, he looks at my belly and says "I was WONDERING why you weren't out on the field this season."
(and he RECOGNIZES ME!!!!
Well, I nod my head and he says "So when's it due?"
And moi, ever the smartass, says....
"Due? I'm not pregnant!"
Well he turns BRIGHT RED!! HA!!!!! and I say "PSYCH!" and he laughs and TOUCHES MY ARM!!! and says "I thought you were serious." And I said "No, it's due in August. Four weeks." And he's just shaking his head, laughing, and still a little red.
"Well, congratulations. Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?"
"No, I don't want to know, neither does my husband."
"That's better. Why spoil the surprise?" Passing the third floor now (we have the SLOWEST freakin' elevators... if I wasn't carrying 12 pounds of baby, I would've taken the steps).
Meanwhile I'm thinking "God, I'm THIS CLOSE, I need to ask him for his autograph, do I dare? Nahhhhhh...."
Well, the doors open and he says "Well, congratulations" and I said "Congratulations to you too" and he BLUSHED and said "Thanks, thanks. I'll be glad when it's over."
So he gets out and goes the other way down the hall, toward the executive offices, and I go back to my office where Andrea is sitting, and I say "I just shared an elevator with Cal Ripken." Which of course means NOTHING to her... she's been with the Os since 1975 and always talks about all these guys like they're family.
"He's the same as ever... just less hair, that's all."
Anyway I'm sitting there about to call you and tell you, and I say "I should've gotten an autograph for my sister-in-law" and NOTE THAT I DID NOT SAY "MOTHER IN LAW" Well she goes "Why didn't you?" and I said "well I work here, it didn't seem right, he's probably sick of people coming up to him and pestering him for autographs, especially this week, he probably comes down here to ESCAPE that etc etc".
Well she GETS UP from her desk and goes "Rita, don't be so friggin' shy" and next thing I know she's out and down the hall and I hear her laughing and talking, and then she is PUSHING Cal Ripken back into our office, saying "Here, Junior. Sign for Rita." And I'm all embarrassed and I say "You don't really have to..." and he says "No, no, it's no problem... why didn't you ask in the elevator?"
Anyway Andrea had a few of those posters that we handed out last night and she puts her hands on his shoulders and goes "SIT DOWN" and he did one for me, one for Tony, one for Maura, and then one for you two... I figure as long as I HAD him there...
So while he's signing I told him about you being a pitcher and the first girl to play teener league in Adams County and that you threw a perfect game in the state softball championship game for Gettysburg, yadda yadda yadda, and he asked your name and I said "Margo LeDoux" and he said "That name sounds familiar..."
He thinks you might have played against his sister in a Maryland-Pennsylvania all star game. I said I'd ask you. But if he remembers, you probably did, right?
Anyway... I'm asking you. Did you?
Back. Tonybaloney just called and I had to tell him the story, then I tried calling you again and got your machine AGAIN...
Anyway... do you want me to MAIL the pictures or just hold onto them until next we meet? You will love yours:
"To Margo. Best wishes. Cal Ripken Jr. #8 Hall of Fame 2007."
But YOU didn't get to share an ELEVATOR with him!!!!!!
I need to get back to work but HAD to tell you this. Tell Beccaroo HI!!!!
Laters gators!
Forward to Margo's reply
To: Margo Pressley (
Date: Wed 25 July 2007 13:26:07
Subj: BE JEALOUS!!!!!
OK.... so yes, you were here for the Cal Sendoff yesterday... and got BEHIND THE SCENES ACCESS to all areas that normally only Senorita is privy to....
BUT.... guess what just happened to MOI not TEN MINUTES AGO???
I left you a message and you haven't called back, and I can't wait to TELL you, so here it is, because I know you'll want it in writing.
(I know you're beside yourself with excitement and anticipation. )
(NO! I DIDN'T GO INTO LABOR, in case you're wondering. )
(So... ready?? Here goes...

At shortly BEFORE (not after) one o'clock I was coming back into the cool airconditioned warehouse from the market and my crabcake, iced mocha latte and two donut lunch and I get in the elevator to go back up to my office and take my apresnoon nap... and just as the elevator door is closing, lo and behold who pushes his way in but YOUR HERO.... CAL RIPKEN JR HIMSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I have stood near Cal (or "Junior," as we call him here

ALONE, mind you.
And me, married n preggers!!
And let me tell you, in the faint fluorescent light of the elevator, he has the MOST DREAMY EYES!!!! tee hee. I mean, ICE BLUE. I always noticed it in pictures and in person, but up close, in an elevator, they're even MORE dreamy!!!

Poor guy really looks tired, though... there are LINES under those blue eyes.
So the elevator door is closing on him and I'm hitting the button to get it to open back up and as he steps in I see it's him... and he says "Thanks" and I say "Good thing the doors don't have teeth, huh?" and he smiles and nods, and I'm thinking:
Well... just as I'm thinking that, he looks at my belly and says "I was WONDERING why you weren't out on the field this season."
(and he RECOGNIZES ME!!!!

Well, I nod my head and he says "So when's it due?"
And moi, ever the smartass, says....
"Due? I'm not pregnant!"
Well he turns BRIGHT RED!! HA!!!!! and I say "PSYCH!" and he laughs and TOUCHES MY ARM!!! and says "I thought you were serious." And I said "No, it's due in August. Four weeks." And he's just shaking his head, laughing, and still a little red.
"Well, congratulations. Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?"
"No, I don't want to know, neither does my husband."
"That's better. Why spoil the surprise?" Passing the third floor now (we have the SLOWEST freakin' elevators... if I wasn't carrying 12 pounds of baby, I would've taken the steps).
Meanwhile I'm thinking "God, I'm THIS CLOSE, I need to ask him for his autograph, do I dare? Nahhhhhh...."
Well, the doors open and he says "Well, congratulations" and I said "Congratulations to you too" and he BLUSHED and said "Thanks, thanks. I'll be glad when it's over."
So he gets out and goes the other way down the hall, toward the executive offices, and I go back to my office where Andrea is sitting, and I say "I just shared an elevator with Cal Ripken." Which of course means NOTHING to her... she's been with the Os since 1975 and always talks about all these guys like they're family.
"He's the same as ever... just less hair, that's all."
Anyway I'm sitting there about to call you and tell you, and I say "I should've gotten an autograph for my sister-in-law" and NOTE THAT I DID NOT SAY "MOTHER IN LAW" Well she goes "Why didn't you?" and I said "well I work here, it didn't seem right, he's probably sick of people coming up to him and pestering him for autographs, especially this week, he probably comes down here to ESCAPE that etc etc".
Well she GETS UP from her desk and goes "Rita, don't be so friggin' shy" and next thing I know she's out and down the hall and I hear her laughing and talking, and then she is PUSHING Cal Ripken back into our office, saying "Here, Junior. Sign for Rita." And I'm all embarrassed and I say "You don't really have to..." and he says "No, no, it's no problem... why didn't you ask in the elevator?"
Anyway Andrea had a few of those posters that we handed out last night and she puts her hands on his shoulders and goes "SIT DOWN" and he did one for me, one for Tony, one for Maura, and then one for you two... I figure as long as I HAD him there...

So while he's signing I told him about you being a pitcher and the first girl to play teener league in Adams County and that you threw a perfect game in the state softball championship game for Gettysburg, yadda yadda yadda, and he asked your name and I said "Margo LeDoux" and he said "That name sounds familiar..."
He thinks you might have played against his sister in a Maryland-Pennsylvania all star game. I said I'd ask you. But if he remembers, you probably did, right?
Anyway... I'm asking you. Did you?
Back. Tonybaloney just called and I had to tell him the story, then I tried calling you again and got your machine AGAIN...
Anyway... do you want me to MAIL the pictures or just hold onto them until next we meet? You will love yours:
"To Margo. Best wishes. Cal Ripken Jr. #8 Hall of Fame 2007."
But YOU didn't get to share an ELEVATOR with him!!!!!!
I need to get back to work but HAD to tell you this. Tell Beccaroo HI!!!!
Laters gators!

Forward to Margo's reply
Your stuff is always so current and on-topic, Max. Good shit, if I may say so.
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