Re: Re: So who's the baby?
Date: Aug 18. 2007 21:02 EDT
Subject: Re: Re: So who's the baby?
HA! I AM HEALED!!! I read your zeeerooo feeeeeeeeeeeeees... guaranteeeeeeeeeeeeeed and it didn't get stuck in my head at all! But you are so right: it is that EXACT spot in the top of my brain. What IS that physiologically, Doctor Pressley? Do they cover that in music school????
And you always have this way of giving TOO MUCH INFORMATION. I am of course referring to "I've been through the nursing once, just not as a supplier" or WHATEVER GROSS THING you said, forgetting that I AM MARRIED TO HER SON, BRIAN!!!! I don't WANT to hear about what you do with your "supplier" OK???
Was it such a beautiful day up there? It was SUCH a beautiful day down here. Mimi and Grandpa LeDoux came down and Fran gave us all the baby stuff Margo and her picked up for
Well, then came lunch. You guys have all been through this before, but this is our first, so we're still a little, uhhhh, EDGY. But that's why you two and Fran and Tom and Mom and Dad are there... to pass wisdom on. Margo's mom said "I know dat you worry because it's all so new, he is so little, so helpless, he needs you to do everyting for him, but you will see: dis age is NUTTING" (Do I have the accent DOWN or WHAT??)
Anyway Fran said what Margo did: "LIGHTEN UP!!!!" Just wrap him tight, put him in the pappoose, make sure you have all the baby stuff in the bag, and as Tom added "Good God, just make sure you don't walk off and leave him anyplace!" And Fran rolled her eyes... so it must have happened with either Margo or John Paul (oops... "Jompaw") at least ONCE.
Anyway.................... SO!
We gave him a clean didey, wrapped him up like a big football and I put him in the pappoose and wore it on my front so he was all nice and snug and warm against my chest...
and we rode downtown and went to Lexington Market to (where else) FAIDLEY'S, and then over for two of those cream donuts
which I have been STARVING for ever since my h20 broke. (I swear that THAT was the worst thing about my water breaking: it wasn't that it happened in public, or that my nice new Skechers got ruined... it was that I WAS NEXT IN LINE TO GET MY DONUTS AND I DIDN'T EVEN GET THEM!!!!! 
(I just reviewed what I wrote. I am overdoing it with the faces. What gives with me?
Anyway we got our crabcakes and donuts and tomato salad and took a cab over to Federal Hill and sat on the lawn and ate and watched the harbor and kids playing in the park... and of course NO ONE STARED when moi fed the baby... plus Fran was there blocking me, sort of. She was shifting Tony and Tom around: "Look... you... you... SIT dere... so she has some privacy!!" She is so funny... I'm so glad I've gotten to know her... she reminds me of Margo... just quick and sharp and so funny.
We were watching a daddy play with his son around 7 or 8 and his little little girl around 2-3, Maggie Kay age, tossing a tennis ball and the girl wanted to throw it and just couldn't get any distance on it and the dad was trying to help her. And THEN she figured out that she could go over and throw it OVER THE EDGE. This happened three times... the first time, we were all watching her run toward the edge and thinking HOLY SHIT! SHE'S GOIN' OVER!! but she just stopped and THREW and watched the ball bounce, bounce, over the edge... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA she laughed... and of course Dad had to go get it... so now, as Fran said, it was a game... two more times she did it... the third time the dad pulled her aside and I didn't see if he swatted her or not, but she started crying and throwing a fit then, and the ballgame was over.
Fran said "She reminds me of Marguerite" and then she told us a great Margo Little Girl story: "Thomas's parents, dey used to have cookouts at da cottage, Opinicon you know, every tree weeks, just for us all to get together... so one time Thomas and me, we come down from Ottawa wid Marguerite, she was only two or so, almost tree because I was pregnant wid Jompaw. Anyway so we are on da patio, after supper, and Thomas's fodder is sitting at da picnic table, and Marguerite is playing wid a tennis ball, just bouncing da ball, laughing the way she laughs. And Edward said "What is so funny Margo?" And Marguerite said "I have a BALL!" and Edward said "Do you want to throw it to me?" And Marguerite said "Yeah, and I'm gonna THROW it at your BIG FACE!" And Edward said "Well, instead, why don't you just throw it to my hands and I'll catch it?" And Marguerite said "Because THAT wouldn't be FUNNY!" But she played catch wid him after all. And Marguerite always says dat it was my fodder who taught her to throw a ball, to pitch, but I tink it was Edward."
And then of course her and Tom get into a DISCUSSION... he gets his ass all up in the air: " ~ I ~ tossed the ball with her, Fran!" And she just patted his hand and said "Yes, yes, of course you did, Thomas..."
Tom just kept it going though: "No, I did. I taught her how to step into a throw... to step toward who she's throwing to. Because then when we saw your dad the pitching coach, he said 'She's already a pitcher' and I said 'Yeah, uh huh, you can thank her daddy the coach.'"
Tom and Fran said that Margo was even MORE of a handful than Becca was for you two, if you can imagine that... "Somehow da boys in dis family are placid. Tony was placid for her. Jompaw was placid for me. Thomas, he is long since whipped into submission."
Of course the whole time she's saying this stuff she is smiling the way Margo does when she makes a joke like that about you two. It's so cool: they've been married 48 years now, and you can tell they're still best friends, that they GET each other like you and Margo do. Like me and Tony do... I STILL haven't figured out Mom and Dad yet, hahah...
Anyway Fran was asking about how "da boys in our family" were, which of course I don't remember... by the time I was born you and Big Danny weren't boys... you were GODS
and I just relayed what Mom always said: that YOU always came across as LOOKING quiet and all innocent, and so Danny had the reputation as a troublemaker because he was more loud and out there, but she eventually figured out that you were just as bad as
I was hardboiling eggs and forgot about them and the pan boiled dry!!!!
Here I am, just sittin' here typin' away and I hear this POPPING sound coming from the kitchen. Three of them popped and two of them just look scorched. Ewww.
I guess I won't have to worry about the yolks not being done the whole way through with THESE, huh?
Into the trash they go. Can't believe I just wasted five eggs.
I'm doing more and more airheaded things like that lately, I swear. What... did a part of my brain come out with the baby???
And Tony's on the back porch with Dannydan so he didn't hear it.
Jeez... that's funny but it's scary too... it could've been a calamity.
Anyway... wow. Take a breath, Senorita.
So it was great seeing Fran and Tom... they left at around 5 pm to get down to RFK for the Nats-Mets game.
Wow. I'd write more but I feel all verklemt now, plus I growwww fateegued, Captain, and plus, Tony just came in with the little dude, so we're gonna put him down and maybe go down ourselves.
Hope Tonybaloney isn't hankerin' for an egg salad samwich!
ACHOO! ACHOO! ACHOO! Hey Mr Outdoors. Is there something in the air?? I have been SERIAL SNEEZING the last week. THAT'S not some post-pregnancy thing is it??
Ask Margo.
OK... time for beddy by... love you bbbb. Talk to you or text you soon!!! Tony says good night and Dannydan... he's sleepin' away, so...
Date: Aug 18. 2007 21:02 EDT
Subject: Re: Re: So who's the baby?
HA! I AM HEALED!!! I read your zeeerooo feeeeeeeeeeeeees... guaranteeeeeeeeeeeeeed and it didn't get stuck in my head at all! But you are so right: it is that EXACT spot in the top of my brain. What IS that physiologically, Doctor Pressley? Do they cover that in music school????
And you always have this way of giving TOO MUCH INFORMATION. I am of course referring to "I've been through the nursing once, just not as a supplier" or WHATEVER GROSS THING you said, forgetting that I AM MARRIED TO HER SON, BRIAN!!!! I don't WANT to hear about what you do with your "supplier" OK???

Was it such a beautiful day up there? It was SUCH a beautiful day down here. Mimi and Grandpa LeDoux came down and Fran gave us all the baby stuff Margo and her picked up for

Well, then came lunch. You guys have all been through this before, but this is our first, so we're still a little, uhhhh, EDGY. But that's why you two and Fran and Tom and Mom and Dad are there... to pass wisdom on. Margo's mom said "I know dat you worry because it's all so new, he is so little, so helpless, he needs you to do everyting for him, but you will see: dis age is NUTTING" (Do I have the accent DOWN or WHAT??)
Anyway Fran said what Margo did: "LIGHTEN UP!!!!" Just wrap him tight, put him in the pappoose, make sure you have all the baby stuff in the bag, and as Tom added "Good God, just make sure you don't walk off and leave him anyplace!" And Fran rolled her eyes... so it must have happened with either Margo or John Paul (oops... "Jompaw") at least ONCE.
Anyway.................... SO!
We gave him a clean didey, wrapped him up like a big football and I put him in the pappoose and wore it on my front so he was all nice and snug and warm against my chest...

(I just reviewed what I wrote. I am overdoing it with the faces. What gives with me?

Anyway we got our crabcakes and donuts and tomato salad and took a cab over to Federal Hill and sat on the lawn and ate and watched the harbor and kids playing in the park... and of course NO ONE STARED when moi fed the baby... plus Fran was there blocking me, sort of. She was shifting Tony and Tom around: "Look... you... you... SIT dere... so she has some privacy!!" She is so funny... I'm so glad I've gotten to know her... she reminds me of Margo... just quick and sharp and so funny.
We were watching a daddy play with his son around 7 or 8 and his little little girl around 2-3, Maggie Kay age, tossing a tennis ball and the girl wanted to throw it and just couldn't get any distance on it and the dad was trying to help her. And THEN she figured out that she could go over and throw it OVER THE EDGE. This happened three times... the first time, we were all watching her run toward the edge and thinking HOLY SHIT! SHE'S GOIN' OVER!! but she just stopped and THREW and watched the ball bounce, bounce, over the edge... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA she laughed... and of course Dad had to go get it... so now, as Fran said, it was a game... two more times she did it... the third time the dad pulled her aside and I didn't see if he swatted her or not, but she started crying and throwing a fit then, and the ballgame was over.
Fran said "She reminds me of Marguerite" and then she told us a great Margo Little Girl story: "Thomas's parents, dey used to have cookouts at da cottage, Opinicon you know, every tree weeks, just for us all to get together... so one time Thomas and me, we come down from Ottawa wid Marguerite, she was only two or so, almost tree because I was pregnant wid Jompaw. Anyway so we are on da patio, after supper, and Thomas's fodder is sitting at da picnic table, and Marguerite is playing wid a tennis ball, just bouncing da ball, laughing the way she laughs. And Edward said "What is so funny Margo?" And Marguerite said "I have a BALL!" and Edward said "Do you want to throw it to me?" And Marguerite said "Yeah, and I'm gonna THROW it at your BIG FACE!" And Edward said "Well, instead, why don't you just throw it to my hands and I'll catch it?" And Marguerite said "Because THAT wouldn't be FUNNY!" But she played catch wid him after all. And Marguerite always says dat it was my fodder who taught her to throw a ball, to pitch, but I tink it was Edward."
And then of course her and Tom get into a DISCUSSION... he gets his ass all up in the air: " ~ I ~ tossed the ball with her, Fran!" And she just patted his hand and said "Yes, yes, of course you did, Thomas..."

Tom just kept it going though: "No, I did. I taught her how to step into a throw... to step toward who she's throwing to. Because then when we saw your dad the pitching coach, he said 'She's already a pitcher' and I said 'Yeah, uh huh, you can thank her daddy the coach.'"
Tom and Fran said that Margo was even MORE of a handful than Becca was for you two, if you can imagine that... "Somehow da boys in dis family are placid. Tony was placid for her. Jompaw was placid for me. Thomas, he is long since whipped into submission."

Anyway Fran was asking about how "da boys in our family" were, which of course I don't remember... by the time I was born you and Big Danny weren't boys... you were GODS

I was hardboiling eggs and forgot about them and the pan boiled dry!!!!

I guess I won't have to worry about the yolks not being done the whole way through with THESE, huh?
Into the trash they go. Can't believe I just wasted five eggs.
I'm doing more and more airheaded things like that lately, I swear. What... did a part of my brain come out with the baby???
And Tony's on the back porch with Dannydan so he didn't hear it.
Jeez... that's funny but it's scary too... it could've been a calamity.
Anyway... wow. Take a breath, Senorita.
So it was great seeing Fran and Tom... they left at around 5 pm to get down to RFK for the Nats-Mets game.
Wow. I'd write more but I feel all verklemt now, plus I growwww fateegued, Captain, and plus, Tony just came in with the little dude, so we're gonna put him down and maybe go down ourselves.
Hope Tonybaloney isn't hankerin' for an egg salad samwich!

ACHOO! ACHOO! ACHOO! Hey Mr Outdoors. Is there something in the air?? I have been SERIAL SNEEZING the last week. THAT'S not some post-pregnancy thing is it??
Ask Margo.
OK... time for beddy by... love you bbbb. Talk to you or text you soon!!! Tony says good night and Dannydan... he's sleepin' away, so...


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