
This site is a continuation of my online novel-in-email, xo bri xoxo me xoxoxo love you christy. Call it a soap opera in email.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Thanks mom!

From: "Maura Kelly" (mauraswimgrrrl@yahoo.com)
To: christyswims@yahoo.com
Date: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 5:43 AM
Subject: Thanks mom!

I knew you'd be in the car!!!! Yeah, I was up working, just did a couple prints, some cloud pictures I took last week. Went a couple days ago up to Burlington and bought paper and some chemicals I needed and now feel like I can print print print print print again. But wanted to call, just feel a little bad like I said about how things are shaking out since TOdd moved. We spend time together but it's not like it's him and me alone, the kids are a much bigger factor. When he was down in WRJ his parents watched them and he stayed with me, we'd have alone time. Now it's trickier, he can't come over to MY place and stay unless he has a sitter for them, and as I type this part of me can't believe I'm telling you this. WOuld you have told your mom this? But I don't feel funny telling you these things, I know you care and I know you just want me to be happy.

So it's hard to get any privacy with him and I was NOT counting on the kids being such a big part of the mix. And don't get me wrong, I like Neil and Nikki, they're sweethearts, they love me and we all get along. But if I go over there I know that they're going to be there and it makes certain situations a little awkward if you know what I mean. I'm starting to feel weird about it around them you know??

Love Todd and do not want to feel like his kids get in the way, he comes with them so if I am going to be with him, I am going to be with them. Which of course brings up a question I push from my mind as soon as it comes up, do I WANT to be with him or not? Answer is that I want to be with HIM but not sure I want an instant family you know???

So how does that work?? You must've run into something like that.

Anyway I'm glad we talked and I'm sorry if I made you late for your swim. I know how I get (got) when I swam, wanted to be there right at 5 when the pool opened and snag my favorite lane (sounds stupid but I don't like swimming against a wall), get my laps done before everyone came in so I could be OUT of there as they were stumbling in in a trance before work.

So I'm glad you took a few minutes and talked to me and I hope we talk more later.

Saw your facebook status and had to put on mine that I haven't even been watching the olympics, first of all no tv here, well I have a tv but the ONE station I get doesn't get the olympics, but also just am out of touch with stuff like that. But can't believe I'm not really even interested or curious. Todd had it on and the four of us (see??) were watching it the other day but it might as well have been an old movie. Gymnastics, yeah, they're in great shape, but I was just killing time. Would rather have been out DOING something.

Anyway, talk later. I love you mom. Thanks for chatting and give Maggie a kiss and Marty a hug for me! xoxoxoxoxo maura


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